Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm hijacking this gbol

Alrajt. I see you put up the white fläg for me to surrender yourselfs. This is my demands:
- I want you to post what a great midgit i am on this blög
- I want you to kill every fish in your fightingtänk
- I want you to find me a blond honnie to ride
- I want to be the star of this blög and you post lots of messages about the benefits of midgits
- I want a fish so i can eat it up

if my demands are not met, then this blög will remain hijacked, this is my desiszon

Daevey the midgit

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We dicussed it and want to know your demands, Deavay the Hijacking Luck

Alright, we discussed it and want to know your demands, Daevey.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm hijacking this bgol

I'm Daevey and i'm a midgit hoes taking over this fishingblög. no more fishing picsaus without my permiszon! is thet understoot?

Daevey the midgit