Monday, October 27, 2008


Alain needs to go up at first to bite for air. I can always easily recognise him by his plaks.

Death case

After getting sick yesterday suddenly Raf has died at 23.12 hours. I was with him and have made it so easy as possible for him, he was a fighter. I like this foto because Raf his way seems to swim to the other side.


Since today it goes not good with Raf (right on the picture). I had to put him apart. I think he has had a lack of oxigen, because when i stood up this morning he was stuck between the little plant. Maybe the little chap had not longer enough force to swim himself free. For the moment Raf houses in an empty ice cream box. See if he will make it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here swims Guido with behind him the regretted Michel. Guido has clearly no idea of what is going to happen as a drama in a few days in the fish tank. I also did not expect Guido to show himself such a genius on the picture.