Monday, October 12, 2009

Belgian euros for dummies

Belgian euros are euros that have the head of our beloved king Albert II pictured on them. We all love our king, that is why he is on our coins. The fact that he is, means he is always close to us, which we love. That is why for Belgian people euros with Albert II on them are more valuable to us then foreign coins. There is no official exchange rate, though some coins with special Albert II artwork have alledgedly been sold for over two euros.


Bernard said...

I recently bought a Belgian euro with the atomium on it for six italian euros. What a rip-off. There's no euro like an Albert II euro!

Admin said...

I've been collecting these special Belgian euro's for over 6 years now. Making an exact guess at how many I've collected so far is impossible, there are far too many, but if I had to guess, I'd say I must have at least more than 5. Maybe even more than 7.

Busted Bernard said...

There are only pieces of two euro with the atomium on

Raf said...

This is why us Belgians use sentences like 'I got our beloved King Albert in my pocket' and 'I'm buying this Lion with an Albert' or 'This will cost me exactly two pieces of Albert' and 'I dropped an Albie in the sewer, now I got one fewer'

Leon said...

Don't forget: 'Put your Albert where your mouth is', or 'An Albert for your thoughts'. Also 'Some people will do anything for Albert'.

Joey said...

Or: "Twisting every Albert two times around", "He is sitting on Albert" and "He has no nail to scratch his bottom" which means that someone hasn't got a lot of Alberts.