Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bro game V: Surprise

Bro game V is the first one in the series of bro games the other bro cannot know the existance of. Its intent is to suprise your bro completely by coming up with a totally new, non-agreed upon concept. The most interesting part about this game is that every concept can only be used once.
Examples are:
Sending your bro random messages,
Sending your bro's mom random messages,
Sending your bro's mom random sexy messages,
Coming up with a new bro game,
Whether a random act can be filed under Bro game V will -in case of dispute- be settled by the official referee.
Most important is that the score of Bro game V will be kept (by the official referee), and that thus this game becomes a competitive creativity Bro game.
Bro game V is, unlike the other Bro games, not meant for amusement but for sheer competitiveness.

Start thinking!

1 comment:

Raf said...

surely there are limitations to what one can do?