Monday, February 22, 2010

The Bejeezus

I just noticed there's a huge picture of a b*b* on this blog. Luckily it's a picture of an ugly b*b*, but still, it has no right of being on this blog. What is the point of that picture? Was it planted just for the purpose of scaring the co-writer of this blog? Is there a secret code hidden in the picture? Why is it staring at me?
There should be no b*b**s on this blog. Just not a pretty sight to see these little not-yet-persons be posted. It is illegal imo.


svenneke said...

I completely support this decizsion

Tim said...

Edelachtbare: ik pleit schuldig

Kaat said...

Maar toch wel, ik kan da toch wel zeker, ik post toch wel comments op den blog

Raf said...

gij kunde gij da zeker

Kaat said...

Nog ééne

Tim said...

En de Raf krijgt nog een punt!

Tim said...

I claim a point for surprisingly handing out a free point.

Kaat said...

eej ik begrijp ni goed wat hier allemaal gezegd word

Raf said...


Tim said...

Hallo, tuurlijk begrijpt ge het!

Unknown said...

stopt daarmee