Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If you read this post

it means you scroll down every once in a while because I editted this just now. QQ - Quiz Question: Can you think of the right subtitle for this pic?


Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how poker worsk? I'm a complete newbie :)

Raf said...

that's not the right subtitle but I forgive u since this is an editted post ;)

first try said...

Typing In Basement?

Tim tho not logged in said...

LOL Brodha, just watched this LOL

Tim again said...

Start strippin`

Raf said...

nope, keep guessing, it's famous!

Ben said...

Lol, I knew it pays to scroll down all the way to october 19th 2008 each time!

QA - Quiz Answer: eh marine!

Ben said...

should have posted the video instead though. I wasted all day looking for this subtitle...

Ben said...

did I win? what did I win?
hope it was worth it.
damn, should have asked before I started looking, right? please tell me I won

Raf said...

You actually won. Your prize, you won the leading role in the youtube vid we're gonna make as a parody. Eh Benine!

Ben again said...


looking forward to adding one to my collection ^^

Tim said...

As promised: Ben's reward

Raf said...

that is crazy

Ben said...


I'm happy now. But that could also have something to do with the magnesium I've been sniffing.