Monday, June 15, 2009

Proving a point

point proven


Joske said...

Raf toch, wees maar interessant, wij zullen wel schoon zijn. Check Google Afbeeldingen:

-male: 51 000 000
-female: 67 800 000

Joske said...

Oh sorry, we're on the English site. I translate:

Raf though, you be interesting and so than hé, we'll just be beautiful. Check the pictures of Google:

-male: 51 000 000
-female: 67 800 000

Raf said...

some girls are pretty and some girls are not pretty. buythr

Ook getest op Google said...

231.000.000 voor peace
705.000.000 voor sex

hence, people would rather have sex than peace?

Raf said...

stop posting Joske

Raf said...

or ill give you peace

Anonymous said...

Midget: ca 11.400.000
Dwarf: ca 16.000.000

Raf said...

guys we're going seriously offtopic here, just say if you think the picture is pretty or ugly

Joske said...

Nu vond ik dat Joske zo goed meedeed, en dan stopt ze ineens. Spijtig! Ook: ambras bij K3

Raf said...

I'm forced to close this topic as certain people weren't able to stay ontopic.
