Hi everyone! This is Raf blogging again. I may have gotten myself caught in the moment a little yesterday, making promises that are hard to keep, so today I am going to write a blog post about breaking promises. Well, I was, until I found out there is already much coverage on this subject on the internet. I found this very useful 5 step program to break a promise. It really helped me change the mindset I was originally writing this blog post with and turn it into a very positive thing. Let's take a read.
Step 1: Before Breaking A Promise, Always Say Something Positive
Step 2: When Breaking A Promise, Try To Make Yourself Sound Like A Victim
Step 3: When Breaking A Promise, Immediately Make Additional Promises That Are Not Really Promises At All
Step 4: When Breaking A Promise, Never Lock Yourself Into The Next Promise
Step 5: Assure Everyone That Breaking Your Promise Was The Right Thing To Do
Ok, so. Plus two. Ouch, someone hurt my arm. I may be buying every blog reader a Lamborghini, yes I think I just might. But don't expect me to really buy a Lamborghini for you all! Everything is okay now, just another great decision on my behalf.
This was a valuable blog post lesson on not doing things literally.
Only hundred days left till the end of the year! This is freakin' awesome! Every day from now on will there be a new countdown blog post! See you tomorrow for #99!