Last, when I was trying to find a more easilyer way to translate my texts from Netherlands to English, I found an online translating machine that had to do something with fishes. I thought 'oh joepie' and 'now I don't need to go through such a hard time to translate my blog anymore'. But then, when I started the translation, Guido, with me, pulled a very weird face. Indeed, the translation made by the machine was very funny. Here, you have a random selection of the most funnyest things.
Necessary solitary from more easily it has been said once than done if it concerns a fish in a jumbo derrick eel., or
Certainly with its ball cap he is look at super-noble to, but always but just as because the ball cap floats and Guido swim too olijk to be able carry a cap.and
He sits nowadays constant plantjes, exactly eat as if he does not find fish fodder enough nice.I find this funny but also not, because I now keep on needing to make the translation myself. Guido thinks this well is funny, because he likes to see me make the translations from his fish tank. He is always happy when somebody is around him, but also I have not a lot of time anymore to stay around with Guido.