Saturday, December 27, 2008

Translating machine

Last, when I was trying to find a more easilyer way to translate my texts from Netherlands to English, I found an online translating machine that had to do something with fishes. I thought 'oh joepie' and 'now I don't need to go through such a hard time to translate my blog anymore'. But then, when I started the translation, Guido, with me, pulled a very weird face. Indeed, the translation made by the machine was very funny. Here, you have a random selection of the most funnyest things.
Necessary solitary from more easily it has been said once than done if it concerns a fish in a jumbo derrick eel.
, or
Certainly with its ball cap he is look at super-noble to, but always but just as because the ball cap floats and Guido swim too olijk to be able carry a cap.
He sits nowadays constant plantjes, exactly eat as if he does not find fish fodder enough nice.
I find this funny but also not, because I now keep on needing to make the translation myself. Guido thinks this well is funny, because he likes to see me make the translations from his fish tank. He is always happy when somebody is around him, but also I have not a lot of time anymore to stay around with Guido.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas appeal

Also for the fishes it is Christmas. The Guido has a depressive christmas evening behind the back. Invite once a lonely person or fish is easelyer said then done when it goes over a fish in a fish tank. Few of the ones who pass, almost nobody actually. Guido is for this earth bowl a noble unknown. Sure with his bowlhat he is supernoble to look too, but always only for a moment because the bowlhat floats and Guido swims to olijk to be able to wear a hat. But good, when someone would want to invite Guido, let at easy know something, it will do him virtue. Guido thanks you.


What is that still with the Guido? The last time he is constantly eating up the little plants, precisely like he does not find the fish feed nice enough. I have already needed to go and take three new ones. Guido seems also to be super aged on the picture, but because fishes never live long in the fish tank the aging process goes quicker. He is well my recordfish. That he has done well.

Strange obstacle

Who can guess what the obstacle on the left of the picture is? a a muscle b an pacman or c the tale of the guido. And I must soon once more clean the fish tank because the sunk city is a little bit filty.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Guido's birthday

Today was the Guido's birthday. I have asked to the lady in the fish shop when the fish were born and she did not know, so she phonecalled to Japan, and they said they were born on the 5th of December. The lady in the fish shop was very nice to look this up for me. Guido's first birthday we have celebrated with fish feed, both of us. The cats did not like the fish food too much, so it seemed. But Guido seemed to have fun, his behavior did not differ a mutch from usual. Happy birthday Guido!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A new acquisition

Since today, a new acquisition is in the house. Karel is the new cat from my sister. Karel comes from an animal shelter and looks pretty hungry on the picture. I think however that he can find it good with Terpentine will. Together they watch often to Guido and Tony.

Terpentine is here busy with crackling a little owl. I give him extra much can feed with tuna in, so that he gets sick of eating fishes. As long as he sleeps he is not a danger.